
  • Medical Law Cases - For Doctors is not only a journal but it is an essential excellent guidebook which helps every doctor to avoid minute unnoticed mistakes which may lead to trouble. Idea of giving ‘Suggested precautions’ is marvelous which draws immediate attention to what precautions a doctor must take and reminds what a doctor is not taking care of. I as a Medical Superintendent issue guidelines from ‘Suggested precautions’ and draw the attention of all doctors working with me including residents from time to time. I am sure this journal will be a milestone in medical practice.

    Dr. S. L. Jethani

    Medical Superintendent, HIHT University & Himalayan Hospital, Dehradun

  • I have been reading issues of Medical Law Cases - For Doctors for the past 1 year. I am extremely happy to go through the journal which is the basic need of the day for practicing, busy medical practitioners.

    This reporter is prepared exclusively for Doctors and I am sure it is mandatory for all the doctors to go through such journal to avoid and to safeguard from litigations.

    Medical Law Cases - For Doctors is wonderfully compiled in a palatable manner with case notes highlighting “Suggested precautions” “Editors comment” etc. which every practicing doctor should read, understand and follow for a peaceful litigation free practice.

    Dr. K. Vijayakumar

    National Past President, IMA Head Quarters, New Delhi

  • This journal is of tremendous use and provides indispensable inputs to hospitals on medical laws.

    Dr. (Mrs.) Suganthi Iyer

    Assistant Director – Medical Services & Legal, P. D. Hinduja Hospital & Medical Research Centre, Mumbai

  • Medicolegal aspects are often neglected by the practicing anestheiologists, till they get in to a medicolegal muddle. Medical Law Cases for Doctors is useful in highlighting the dos and don’ts. I hope the readers of articles from this journal will apply the useful tips and ‘take home messages’ in their practice and avoid unnecessary harassment if they are hauled up by litigants, patients and their lawyers. “Knowledge is power”

    Dr. Murali Chakravarthy

    Chief, Department of Anesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Relief, Wockhardt Hospitals, Bangalore

  • The content in the journal is very informative and also ready rekconer for doctors. Prevention is better than cure.

    Dr. T. K. K. Naidu

    Vice Principal, Prathima Institute of Medical Sciences, Karimnagar

  • A ‘must-have’ journal for every doctor and hospital in India today. Simply indispensable.

    Dr. D. R. Rai

    Past National Hon. Secretary General, IMA Head Quarters, New Delhi

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    From the Editors Desk
  • Handing Over The Baton – Welcome Dr. Shreekant Shetty, our new Editor

  • What are the changes that have happened in your journal?

  • We want you to be acquainted with both sides of the coin

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  • How to get the maximum out of this journal

  • Is this journal the need of the hour?

  • The First Editorial


  • Publishes ‘real time judgments’ on medical negligence from higher courts
  • Every judgment is further summarized in simple, non-legal language
  • Comprehensively guides a doctor on avoiding MedLegal issues
  • Suggests practically useful ‘Do’s & Don’ts’ in day-to-day practice
  • Cases selected / analyzed solely from a doctor’s viewpoint
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