
November 2022

Patient signs a consent but that surgery gets postponed for 2 days due to medical reasons - Old consent is valid holds National Consumer Commission

T. Balakrishnan & Ors. v/s S. P. Fort Hospital & Ors.
15MLCD (j439) | National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, New Delhi
Judgement in favour of: Patient

A general surgeon having “sufficient urology work experience” is not negligent in performing urological intervention holds National Commission – A grey area that needs more clarity

Dr. V. K. Dixit v/s Sangeeta Dubey & Ors.
15MLCD (j447) | National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, New Delhi
Judgement in favour of: Doctor

Delhi High Court directs government to frame national medical protocols for aesthetic surgeries / hair transplant procedures

Azhar Rasheed v/s State NCT of Delhi & Ors.
15MLCD (j450) | Delhi High Court, New Delhi
Judgement in favour of: Patient

Is a pediatrician duty-bound to examine a child brought for vaccination for other complaints? - Pediatrician held negligent for missing cyanotic heart disease

Bedi Hospital & Anr. v/s Gurmeet Singh & Ors.
15MLCD (j453) | Chandigarh Union Territory Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, Chandigarh
Judgement in favour of: Patient

Ophthalmologist held not negligent for managing post-surgery complications "as per the guidelines of All India Ophthalmological Society" – More SOPs / guidelines needed from Medical Societies

Upender Kumar v/s Nayandeep Eye Research Centre & Anr.
15MLCD (j460) | National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, New Delhi
Judgement in favour of: Doctor

Court holds surgeon negligent for treating an elective surgical case as an emergency only to avail of CGHS benefit

Vishnu Priya Giri (Deceased) v/s G. M. Modi Hospital Research Centre for Medical Sciences & Anr.
15MLCD (j464) | National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, New Delhi
Judgement in favour of: Patient

Complainant refers to "Wikipedia to establish that no specific treatment exists for acute Hepatitis-E infection” – Will social media decide the course of treatment?

Gopal Prasad Dokania v/s Apollo Hospital Enterprises Limited & Ors.
15MLCD (j468) | National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, New Delhi
Judgement in favour of: Doctor

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  • Every judgment is further summarized in simple, non-legal language
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